In our implementation, we should use metadata to indicate actual
MachineAdmin uses username and password, not certificate.  I believe in the
response to Cloud Entry Point, there should be a section for EntityMetadata
which should have something like this.

      <EntityMetadata xmlns="";>



        <name>Machine Admin #1</name>

        <attribute name="username" namespace="";
      type="string" required="true" />

        <attribute name="password" namespace="";
      type="string" required="true" />


That piece of information should be part of the CloudEntryPoint response
(also depends on driver, where EC2, or Mock driver requires different
things), with that, client will know how to deal with MachineAdmin. Also
notice the first child element of EntityMetadata has been changed to <self>
from <uri> in the latest spec, which I think makes the spec worse.
Everybody knows what URI means, element <self> makes very little sense.


Tong Li
Emerging Technologies & Standards
Building 501/B205 wrote on 11/16/2011 12:28:00 PM:

> From:
> To:
> Date: 11/16/2011 02:54 PM
> Subject: CIMI Machine Admin model
> Adds the MachineAdmin model and spec.. the CIMI spec MachineAdmin is
> used when creating a new Machine to define the initial superuser
> credentials. The spec is doesn't mandate a set of attributes for
> MachineAdmin but suggests either username/password or key type
> credentials. Providers are meant to extend the spec using the
> EntityMetadata to define the type of MachineAdmin attributes they
> expect. The examples xml and json included here have username/password,
> marios

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