
On 25 Jan 2012, at 09:25, Gerhard Petracek wrote:

> 1) -1 for i18n logging (i think we agree on it already)

I know our product managers are after i8ln for log messages - at least INFO 
(IIRC) and above should be l10n'd. I'll try to share the why when I've chatted 
to them.

So, I'm +0 right now.

> 2) +1 for fast internal logging


> 3) +1 for avoiding dependencies (or shade them in - if it's really needed
> and we are allowed to do it).
>    it would be nice if all of our modules which are directly related to
> java-ee specs. can be used without additional dependencies for applications
> which get deployed to a java-ee6+ application-server.


> 4) +0.5 for a >thin< abstraction layer + jul as default (>at least< to get
> a more concise api)

I would be +1 here, we've seen this work well in JBoss AS 7, and it seems much 
neater than the previous log4j stuff we had. However this might just be a 
better thin layer ;-)

> 5) +1 for supporting type-safe logging for applications, >if< we keep it in
> an own module


> 6) -1 for using type-safe logging >within< deltaspike (imo we don't need it
> internally)


> 7) +1 for error-codes

+1 - we would really appreciate this at JBoss, when it comes time to provide 
support to our customers for Deltaspike.

> 8) +1 for talking about concrete prototype/s (via [1]) and resolve this
> topic in v0.2
> regards,
> gerhard
> [1]
> 2012/1/25 Gerhard Petracek <>
>> +1!
>> regards,
>> gerhard
>> 2012/1/25 Mark Struberg <>
>>>>> -1 to i18n and typesafe logging for version one.
>>>> Lincoln, why you hatin' on type-safe logging? Brother, hook me up with
>>> a +1
>>>> :)
>>>> -Dan
>>> Hehe, that's the nice thing here at Apache.
>>> Since we only discuss those things on strictly technical levels we are
>>> still all brothers, even if we get some -1 sometimes :)
>>> Don't worry Dan, if there are diverse opinions, then we have passed the
>>> test for the first lesson: free thinking :)
>>> Having some +1 and -1 in an early discussion phase only means one thing:
>>> we need more arguments.
>>> Lincoln, most of the times (at least if you see that a few people already
>>> casted +1 for some idea) it's very helpful if you underline your -1 with
>>> technical arguments means "_why_ you don't like type-safe logging" and/or
>>> the requirements you would have for such a feature to be successful.
>>> Most votes here are majority votes [1], but I've seen it many times that
>>> (even after there are already lots of +1 on the table) a single person
>>> outlined a problem and did cast -1. And if the argument is valid, it's
>>> pretty often the case that the others recall their +1 and change it to -1
>>> as well.
>>> It's really all about the arguments.
>>> LieGrue,
>>> strub
>>> [1]

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