On 13/02/12 19:55, Gerhard Petracek wrote:
hi shane,

i'm sure there are good reasons for most/all details. since i don't know
them, i just list the topics which come to my mind after reading the
provided information.

i don't see the need for it compared to #login, because it can be done by
users easily (if needed).
at least at the beginning i would keep the api as minimal as possible. we
can add further parts based on concrete and important use-cases.

There are actually two quite important use cases for this - applications that implement some kind of "Remember Me" function must be able to authenticate without producing the usual events/messages generated when performing a conscious authentication. The same goes for stateless applications that must authenticate on every request. We can probably remove the quietLogin() method and make it an implementation detail.

uses string as return type instead of an enum.
in>general<  : we should define a general rule for the usage of exceptions
which should be used by most deltaspike apis.

This method returns a String to make it easy to write navigation rules for JSF. The three possible values are "success", "failure" or "exception", which allows the navigation rules to redirect the user to an appropriate page based on the result. I'm happy to hear alternatives here if someone has other suggestions.

is method is intended to be used primarily as an internal API call
... then it shouldn't be part of the api. (that's related to a 2nd topic.
see api vs. spi)

See comment above.

Checks if the authenticated user is a member of the specified role.
Checks that the current authenticated user is a member of the specified

#hasRole and #checkRole look very similar - if the exception is the only
difference: see my comment about #tryLogin. at least we should think about
unified names.

We can probably merge these into a single method / overloaded methods:

hasRole(String role, String group) // default doesn't throw exception
hasRole(String role, String group, boolean throwException) // throws exception is throwException == true

I personally think this looks ugly though. Another alternative is to just remove the checkRole() method altogether. Since most authorization now should be performed using the typesafe security bindings, it can simply be left to the authorizer method to implement the desired behaviour. Same thing goes for checkGroup().

that's a general topic we have to discuss. in myfaces codi we have all
"write-methods" which aren't intended to be used frequently in the spi to
keep the api simple and small ([1] and [2] illustrate it in case of the
initial refactoring of @Secured for deltaspike - the naming convention is
always Editable[ApiName]).

I agree that it would be nice to separate these methods into an SPI class. The reason they're in the API is so that developers can simply inject a single class (Identity) into their custom authentication class and have all the things they need there to perform authentication. I'll try to think of a more suitable alternative that doesn't put too much additional burden on the developer.

@type "string" in the api:
i know - it's easy, generic and sometimes just needed to use strings.
however, at least we should re-visit them and just use them if there is no
useful alternative.

i agree with you.

for v0.1 we always started to discuss the basic use-cases and requirements
and afterwards the concrete api.
imo<  that leads to a better api and we should try to keep this approach
(for sure the content of v0.1 was easier).


[1] http://s.apache.org/4sL
[2] http://s.apache.org/j2E

2012/2/13 Rudy De Busscher<rdebussc...@gmail.com>


I think it is also important that you can work with permissions.  It is
much more fine grained then roles but more flexible. It becomes much easier
to change what a group of people can do, even without changing the code. I
never use roles in an application, only permissions.

I'm not saying we need to do the implementation of it by default in
deltaspike but should have at least something like
boolean hasPermission(String permissionName)
in the identity API.

my idea about security.


On 12h February 2012 23:33, Shane Bryzak<sbry...@redhat.com>  wrote:

I've created an umbrella issue to track the work we do on the security
module [1], and the first task is to review and discuss the Identity API.
  This API forms the core of the security module, and all other features
build on top of it to implement a complete security framework.

The Identity interface represents an individual, current user of an
application and its implementation must be session-scoped to provide
security services for the entirety of a user's session.  I'm going to
the (slightly modified) code from Seam as it's mostly well documented,
so we have a baseline from which to further discuss:

public interface Identity {
public static final String RESPONSE_LOGIN_SUCCESS = "success";
public static final String RESPONSE_LOGIN_FAILED = "failed";
public static final String RESPONSE_LOGIN_EXCEPTION = "exception";
* Simple check that returns true if the user is logged in, without
attempting to authenticate
* @return true if the user is logged in
boolean isLoggedIn();
* Returns true if the currently authenticated user has provided their
correct credentials
* within the verification window configured by the application.
* @return
boolean isVerified();
* Will attempt to authenticate quietly if the user's credentials are set
and they haven't
* authenticated already. A quiet authentication doesn't throw any
exceptions if authentication
* fails.
* @return true if the user is logged in, false otherwise
boolean tryLogin();
* Returns the currently authenticated user
* @return
User getUser();

* Attempts to authenticate the user. This method raises the following
events in response
* to whether authentication is successful or not. The following events
be raised
* during the call to login():
* org.apache.deltaspike.**security.events.LoggedInEvent - raised when
authentication is successful
* org.apache.deltaspike.**security.events.**LoginFailedEvent - raised
when authentication fails
* org.apache.deltaspike.**security.events.**AlreadyLoggedInEvent - raised
if the user is already authenticated
* @return String returns RESPONSE_LOGIN_SUCCESS if user is authenticated,
* RESPONSE_LOGIN_FAILED if authentication failed, or
* RESPONSE_LOGIN_EXCEPTION if an exception occurred during
These response
* codes may be used to control user navigation. For deferred
authentication methods, such as Open ID
* the login() method will return an immediate result of
RESPONSE_LOGIN_FAILED (and subsequently fire
* a LoginFailedEvent) however in these conditions it is the
of the Authenticator
* implementation to take over the authentication process, for example by
redirecting the user to
* another authentication service.
String login();
* Attempts a quiet login, suppressing any login exceptions and not
* any faces messages. This method is intended to be used primarily as an
* internal API call, however has been made public for convenience.
void quietLogin();
* Logs out the currently authenticated user
void logout();
* Checks if the authenticated user is a member of the specified role.
* @param role String The name of the role to check * @param group String
the name of the group in which the role exists
* @return boolean True if the user is a member of the specified role
boolean hasRole(String role, String group);
* Adds a role to the authenticated user. If the user is not logged in,
* the role will be added to a list of roles that will be granted to the
* user upon successful authentication, but only during the authentication
* process.
* @param role The name of the role to add * @param group The name of the
group in which to create the role
boolean addRole(String role, String group);
* Checks if the authenticated user is a member of the specified group
* @param name The name of the group
* @return true if the user is a member of the group
boolean inGroup(String name);
* Adds the user to the specified group. See hasRole() for semantics in
* relationship to the authenticated status of the user.
* @param name The name of the group
* @return true if the group was successfully added
boolean addGroup(String name);
* Removes the currently authenticated user from the specified group
* @param name The name of the group
void removeGroup(String name);
* Removes a role from the authenticated user
* @param role The name of the role to remove
void removeRole(String role, String group);
* Checks that the current authenticated user is a member of
* the specified role.
* @param role String The name of the role to check
* @throws AuthorizationException if the authenticated user is not a
of the role
void checkRole(String role, String group);
* @param group
* @param groupType
void checkGroup(String group);
* Returns an immutable set containing all the current user's granted
* @return
Set<Role>  getRoles();
* Returns an immutable set containing all the current user's group
* @return
Set<Group>  getGroups();

Some particular points to review:

1. Should we attempt to use the security classes provided by Java SE,
as Principal, Subject, etc or use our own User API - this will affect
is returned by the getUser() method above.  Keep in note that we will
at least a simple User/Role/Group API as part of Identity Management.  In
Seam 2 we originally used the built-in Java classes (which made more
because the authentication process was based on JAAS), however in Seam 3
(where we removed JAAS because it doesn't support asynchronous
authentication as required by OpenID etc) we based the security module on
the PicketLink User API.  IMHO, this is not a critical choice either way
the Java security classes have the advantage of being familiar to many
users, while on the flipside if we provide our own User API we have the
flexibility of being able to extend it in the future.  So both options
their own advantages.

2. The addRole() and addGroup() methods are intended to be only used
during the authentication process to grant particular user memberships
the duration of their session only.  A few users have found this a little
confusing, as they were using identity management, and expected these
methods to grant a permanent membership for the user.  One solution may
to simply rename these methods to addSessionRole() and addSessionGroup()

3. We're touching a little bit on the authorization API here also with
hasRole() / inGroup() methods.  I'll provide a quick description of these
core security API concepts here:

* User - represents an individual user of an application.  Can either be
human or non-human, and can represent either a user managed locally (i.e.
through the IDM API) or an externally authenticated User, such as one
has logged in with OpenID.
* Group - a collection of users and other groups.  The intent is that
privileges can be either assigned to individual users, groups or roles.
  Groups have a hierarchical structure and can be a member of zero or more
other groups.
* Role - represent a particular real life role of a user.  Roles are
defined as a three-way relationship between user, group and role type.
example, user "Bob" might be an "accounts clerk" (the role type) at "head
office" (the group).  It is also possible for a user to have a role in a
group, without being a member of that group.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/**jira/browse/DELTASPIKE-76<
[2] https://github.com/seam/**security/blob/develop/api/src/**

Rudy De Busscher

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