I think a high level roadmap, showing how we get from here to 1.0, will help a 

* it will give users confidence that their favourite feature will be added
* it will give people planning new projects based on CDI an understanding of 
when they can start adding DeltaSpike to their project, and allow them to plan 
out their work better
* it will allow people (like JBoss projects such as Aerogear) to understand 
when they should plan to incorporate DeltaSpike
* will give people interested in adding features to DeltaSpike (such as some of 
the Seam contributors) an understanding of when it's a good idea to start 
working on it
* it will give us a clearer understanding of what our priorities are
* generally, it gives a picture of "good health" to a project

On this high level roadmap, we would just have some very basic info e.g.

0.4, targeting 01-01-2001:

* Spring bridge
* securing REST resources 

(all for example ;-)

Obviously, this would need a big warning at the top, that this is the proposed 

On 20 Jul 2012, at 18:13, Bruno Oliveira wrote:

> Hi Jason, 
> +1 
> Are you talking about the part 4 from 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DeltaSpike/Security+Module+Drafts,
>  right? I think that Shane has been working in some ideas to the 
> authentication API and maybe we could start the discussions about IDM, count 
> me in for it.
> Do you have plans or ideas to authenticate REST resources and token based 
> authentication?

I think we should, especially if we can have someone like you help us with 
documenting the use cases and requirements on the page you mention :-D

> -- 
> "The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
> -
> @abstractj
> -
> Volenti Nihil Difficile
> On Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Jason Porter wrote:
>> As we near the release for v0.3-incubating I'd like to discuss a couple of
>> ideas I've been thinking about for a little while.
>> The first is our roadmap, or perhaps more adequately, the lack of a
>> roadmap. I know we've gotten better at looking at what's next, at least for
>> v0.4-incubating we're looking at IDM, JSF and possibly Spring and XML
>> Config. That's better than what we have had in the past. I'd like us to
>> continue to discuss what and when we plan on doing things. Having that
>> information up on our site and / or JIRA would be very helpful for our
>> users, contributors and community at large. I think it also helps us focus
>> what we're working on for a particular release to minimize creep. I hope we
>> would end up with a more long term high level roadmap to 1.0. Of course
>> that roadmap would be subject to change, but at least everyone would know
>> approximately when their favorite feature would be making its DeltaSpike
>> debut.
>> Along those lines would be release timing. We haven't had any sort of
>> schedule we're aiming to keep. The last two releases have been around 8
>> weeks, but they've drifted, as I recall. I propose we lock down a time
>> frame for releases, six weeks, eight weeks, whatever it may be. This should
>> help us with timing and also what goes into the various releases.
>> -- 
>> Jason Porter
>> http://lightguard-jp.blogspot.com
>> http://twitter.com/lightguardjp
>> Software Engineer
>> Open Source Advocate
>> Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
>> PGP key id: 926CCFF5
>> PGP key available at: keyserver.net (http://keyserver.net), pgp.mit.edu

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