Having looked at what we had in 0.2 
 is the link into the tag :-), I think this would be a good point to stay with. 
The authorization API looks good, and the basic Authentication API that is 
there is very useful for those on some projects. It was very popular in Seam 2 
(to which it is similar) I know :-)

On 27 Jul 2012, at 00:10, Shane Bryzak wrote:

> I had a quick chat with Pete and Jason and they brought me up to speed.  
> After much consideration I think the best way to proceed would be 4.b), with 
> the more complex features such as IDM and permission management handled 
> external to DS.
> On 27/07/12 08:41, Mark Struberg wrote:
>> Oki, here we go.
>> We had a quick chat about where we basically stand today.
>> This is not intended to be a a 'what shall be' but more a 'what do we have' 
>> + 'what do we really need' email.
>> 1.) What we have today:
>> I've looked at the Security module and what I understand it's pretty 
>> powerful and complex.
>> There are aprox. 30++ Interfaces which are very flexible but also very hard 
>> to get right. Having lots of flexibility also makes it easy to do things 
>> wrong as user. E.g. IdentityManager which allows to create users. The 
>> RoleQuery and the whole Role management is pretty complete from the API 
>> level but I've never seen it used in such detail in any application yet. 
>> Most times there is an additional mapping role -> rights. And the right is 
>> what gets used in the application (e.g. in rendered= ).
>> 2.) What is available in projects:
>> In my last 10 projects we never had the choice to define our own login 
>> logic. Some customers had radius, others authenticated against SAP or 
>> kerberos. Then there are some LDAP and we even have a single sign on based 
>> on Smalltalk. And there is absolutely no way to get rid of those! Most of 
>> the time you cannot even create your own users... Of course there is the 
>> need for a simple html based user login for _some_ applications. But this is 
>> most times only needed for green-field projects. Whenever you do projects 
>> for a bigger company you most likely will find some well established SSO in 
>> place.
>> 3.) what is needed in those projects:
>> I did quite some integration already in the past and the only thing which we 
>> did really need was
>>   3.a.) to express some interrest: "current user likes to do actionX"
>> This can be done via a @Secured interceptor, via @ViewConfig, via @PageBean 
>> etc -> might get provided by DS.
>>   3.b.) to evaluate the "is the current user allowed to do actionX"
>> Like with JAAS Voters this can be done via a simple Interface which returns 
>> a boolean. This is really similar to what Seam2 had and also what CODI did.
>> All the evaluation and binding to an existing authorisation and 
>> authentication can be done in this AccessVoter/checkPermission. -> we might 
>> provide the Interfaces in DS. The impl is _always_ up to the user.
>> 4.) what are our options:
>>   4.a.) fully implement our own security manager. This will surely still 
>> take some time as this is a complex topic! Many of the interfaces are ok but 
>> there is not yet an impl behind it. My personal estimation is that we now 
>> hit the 15% line, and a few people already spent a good amount of power for 
>> it. So this will not be finished for the next 5 months I fear.
>>  4.b) implement a simple Voter + @Secured and let the user deal with the 
>> rest. In both Seam2 and CODI this turned out to not only be extremely 
>> flexible, but it is also rather easy to integrate [1]. We could also provide 
>> an additional module which contains a composite component with login userId 
>> + pwd fields + a simple backend for it. But just as a small additional 
>> module which might optionally be used for easier integration into JSF apps 
>> if there is not yet an existing SSO implementation.
>> LieGrue,
>> strub
>> [1] 
>> https://github.com/struberg/lightweightEE/blob/master/gui/src/main/java/de/jaxenter/eesummit/caroline/gui/security/AdminAccessVoter.java#L36
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Jason Porter <lightguard...@gmail.com>
>>> To: deltaspike-dev@incubator.apache.org
>>> Cc:
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:03 PM
>>> Subject: IDM impl feedback
>>> T he implementation that's in HEAD right now is incomplete. There are many
>>> methods which are basic IDE generated stubs in multiple classes. I'll hold
>>> off on any feedback until it's complete.
>>> -- 
>>> Jason Porter
>>> http://lightguard-jp.blogspot.com
>>> http://twitter.com/lightguardjp
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Open Source Advocate
>>> Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
>>> PGP key id: 926CCFF5
>>> PGP key available at: keyserver.net, pgp.mit.edu

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