On 17 Dec 2012, at 08:55, Gerhard Petracek wrote:

> hi karl,
> #1 apache myfaces (extval) doesn't implement jsr 303 (e.g. apache
> bval implements it)
> #2 there is no agreement that ds is only backend oriented
> regards,
> gerhard
> 2012/12/17 Karl Kildén <karl.kil...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Thomas, fellow user here.
>> BV is as you may know specified in JSR-303. It has great implementations by
>> myfaces and hibernate that you can find easily. Thus this will not be
>> implemented in deltaspike afaik. However providing some common constraints
>> beyond the specification sounds like a good idea. Note that in the mean
>> while @Email is almost trivial to implement yourself if you search it a
>> little. JSR-303 is highly extensible just like CDI. The implementation you
>> choose might have it as an extra already.
>> For frontend extras I can't say I see an obvious home in deltaspike
>> (someone correct me if I am wrong about this). But I think for now
>> Deltaspike is more backend oriented. I recommend having a look at omnifaces
>> that already provide several great custom jsf-validators and has an open
>> request for users to ask for additional ones.
>> best regards / Karl
>> 2012/12/16 Thomas Andraschko <andraschko.tho...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi,
>>> is there a roadmap available for all upcoming features?
>>> Will there also be a BV module in the future? Will it also include some
>>> commons constraints like Email?

Hmm, I think this could be a good thing for a parallel project to DeltaSpike 
actually - a library of BV constraints not branded by a specific impl. I've 
cc'd Emmanuel, spec lead for BV, to see if he has any plans for such a thing.

>>> What about the Seam s:validateForm? IMO it's a simple way for cross field
>>> validation. Will this be added in future releases?

This is not actually a BV validator, but a JSF validator. I know Mark is 
working on JSF stuff for DeltaSpike atm, perhaps this is something Jason could 
add to that.

>>> How can i contribue to DeltaSpike? I could do some smaller tasks without
>>> problems.
>>> I also implemented constraints like EqualsExpression("#{...}"). Maybe
>> this
>>> could be useful for other users, too.

This page should help - 

>>> Best regards,
>>> Thomas

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