hi hantsy,

see chapter 5.4.1 of jsr-344 (and the vote you mentioned is fine as well).


2013/5/1 hantsy <han...@yahoo.com.cn>

> Hi,
> I noticed Java EE 7 got approval, is there any plan to support Java EE 7.
> And for JSF 2.2, the Converter, Validator , UIComponent, all listeners
> still do not support CDI @Inject. Personally it is a big
> disappointment.  And other two "big" features introduced in JSF2.2,
> resource contract and flow, I also have no interest.
> Especially the flow, the definition is very tedious, I hope Apache
> Deltaspike can pick up the simple @ConversationScoped and @Begin @End
> annotations in Seam 2 to implement a simple page flow solution .
> BTW,  in the vote page, I found the status of  Redhat is "not voted",
> what this means?
> Hantsy
> --
> Fulltime Java EE Freelancer from China

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