
I'm considering using ocamlgraph to make code relative to
delegation. Here is a short doc on how to install it.

More info about ocamlgraph:

Installing ocamlgraph on Debian Sarge

1. Dependencies

# apt-get install ocaml-findlib

# apt-get install graphviz graphviz-doc

2. Getting, compiling and installing ocamlgraph

$ wget -c http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/ftp/ocamlgraph/ocamlgraph-0.94a.tar.gz

$ tar zxf ocamlgraph-0.94a.tar.gz 

$ cd ocamlgraph-0.94a

$ ./configure       

$ make

$ make doc     # in fact, the doc is NOT installed with the library

$ make ocamlfind-install

$ make install-findlib  

3. check that it works

[I recommend to install ledit when using ocaml interactively. It
 provides readline-like facilities. gv is needed to display graphs. ]

# apt-get install ledit gv

$ ledit ocaml -I ocamlgraph
        Objective Caml version 3.08.3
[then at ocaml prompt #]

# #load "graph.cma";;
# open Graph.Pack.Digraph;;
# let show = display_with_gv;;
val show : Graph.Pack.Digraph.t -> unit = <fun>
# let g = Rand.graph ~v:10 ~e:20 ()
let () = show g;;
val g : Graph.Pack.Digraph.t = <abstr>

[A graph should be displayed]

pub  1024D/A3AD7A2A 2004-10-03 David MENTRE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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