Hi David

> You don't need FOP because it is not necessary to build
> ocaml-ast-analyze documentation. I can't remember right now how it is
> done, maybe you need to hack some Makefiles. Read the README or
> INSTALL of ocaml-ast-analyze for more information.

So I forgot fop and it ran ok. no problem for ast-analyze as well.

> You don't need to compile camlidl. It is available as a Ubuntu or
> Debian package.

ok too.

But I still get a problem to install ocaml-gettext. ocamlfind doesnt
seem to find.. fileutils.

I try to install the one from the repositories : It doesnt work.
And by the sources, specifying the ocamlfind option : Still doesnt work.

Heres the answer to the make command :

cd libgettext-ocaml          && make all
make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire
ocamlfind ocamlc   -package "fileutils"   -c gettextConfig.ml
ocamlfind: Package `fileutils' not found
make[1]: *** [gettextConfig.cmo] Erreur 2
make[1]: quittant le répertoire
make: *** [all] Erreur 2

Any idea ? 

Still trying.. ;)

PS :
> Look at those docs:
> For 0.9 tree on Debian Etch / Ubuntu Feisty:
> http://www.linux-france.org/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/demexp/latest-dev?f=a5e389b3226e;file=doc/debian-etch-demexp-0.9-compilation.txt
> For 0.8 tree on Ubuntu Feisty:
> http://www.linux-france.org/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/demexp/latest-dev?f=78a6abc3b484;file=doc/ubuntu-feisty-demexp-0.8-compilation.txt

I came, I looked and I lost.. :)

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