On Mon, 2016-02-15 at 00:01 +0100, Haris Brkovic wrote:
> Dear Richard, didn't write for a few days. Actually I was busy working with 
> Denemo. I'm trying to make as more costumization as possible to make my 
> typing faster and efficient. This kind of costumization which Denemo gives is 
> incredible.
> Anyway, I want to report teo bugs in 2.0.3.
> 1. Sometimes titles, buttons toolbar dissapear and there is no way to turn it 
> on again. Im clicking on View, titles buttons etc and movements number doesnt 
> show. I can analyse in more detail when it happens but now im not sure. It 
> happened to me in previous versions too.

This is something not reported before for any version. Are you quite
sure you did have more than one movement? If you only have one movement,
and no items are trying to populate the title bar then it will not show.

It would be worth while trying to add a movement (which would cause the
movement indicator buttons to be re-drawn).
Another experiment, if this ever turns up again would be to add a new
tab (File->New Tab). This last *does* cause Denemo to get in a muddle
sometimes about which things are visible, but it would be worth
experimenting just to see if something triggers the re-appearance of the
titles bar.

> 2. Popup windows appear in the back of main window here in mac. For example 
> when command center is open and popup windows is telling shortcut is already 
> taken, it appears behind command center. It also happened in every version I 
> used.

This is a perennial problem on many versions of windows. I did a search
for "window on top" or "window hidden behind" or some such thing and got
27 million hits for windows. Not so sure about Mac. There is advice
about using the Alt key and some mouse or keyboard thing to get control,
but again, not sure about the Mac. The behavior on Windows seems to be
very variable.
I fear this problem will only get worse, as people move to "smarter"
devices that are only targeted at certain tasks (opening and viewing and
exchanging stuff).
Really the solution will be to re-work Denemo to create only one window
(or two if you have two monitors) and make every other window appear
within that one. But it would mean taking over the role of window

I don't think the manual mentions these problems (partly because I don't
have much first hand experience of them), I think it should. If we can
gather together the sort of things that people can do on different
platforms to bring windows to the front, that would be good.


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