Again, thanks for comments.
I tried your suggestion and got the attached messages from the terminal. It very pleasantly suggests that I might like to try something, but I'm much too uncertain what it all means to try without passing it all by you.

On 26/05/16 20:59, Andreas Schneider wrote:
Am 26.05.2016 um 17:46 schrieb Bernard Bourdillon:
Thanks for this. I've just noticed that the files on your site have been
upgraded from 2.06 to 2.08, so I re-uploaded them. Then I ran the new
sequence you suggested. I attach the terminal response. I'm probably
doing something very silly wrong.
In Ubuntu one of the dependency packages seems to be named differently.
Try replacing librubberband2 with librubberband2v5 as apt suggests, i.e.
  sudo apt-get install libaubio4 libportmidi0 libsmf0 librubberband2v5
This may or may not solve the dependency problem for Denemo, depending
on details of the librubberband2v5 package. It may be possible that a
separate package has to be built for Ubuntu. That should be visible in
the terminal output.


Attachment: 160526b Terminal response to installation of Andreas' package.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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