I have written a new version of the flexa script. It is based on
Richard's script that creates a flexa from two selected notes. I have
added a toggle behaviour, i.e. if you activate it where a flexa is
already present, it is deleted. The script saves in the data field where
the beginning and the end of the flexa is. Here is the code:

(let ((tag "Flexa"))

(if (d-Directive-chord? tag)
        (begin ; a flexa directive already exists -> delete it
        (disp "Deleting existing flexa ...")
        (disp "Cursor is at flexa " (d-DirectiveGet-chord-data tag))
        (if (string=? (d-DirectiveGet-chord-data tag) "Start") ; if it's the
start of a flexa
                        (disp "Deleting felxa from start")
                        (d-DirectiveDelete-chord tag)
                        (d-DirectiveDelete-chord tag)
                (begin ; if it's the end of a flexa
                        (disp "Deleting flexa from end")
                        (d-DirectiveDelete-chord tag)
                        (d-DirectiveDelete-chord tag))))
        (begin ; no Flexa directive exists yet -> create a flexa
        (disp "Creating a flexa ...")
        (if (and (not (d-HasSelection)) (d-PrevChord))

        (if (MoveToSelectionBeginningInThisStaff)
                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-prefix tag "\\[ ")
                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-postfix tag "\\flexa ")
                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-display tag "fl--")
                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-override tag 16)
                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-data tag "Start")
                        (if (d-NextChord)
                                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-postfix tag "\\]  
                                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-display tag "--]")
                                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-override tag 16)))
                                        (d-DirectivePut-chord-data tag "End")
                        (d-SetSaved #f))
                (d-WarningDialog (_ "You must select two notes"))))))

It still contains some debug output which you can remove.


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