Thanks, Richard, getting to teach today & tomorrow, will get this asap.
Also, just now for the first time on my newer MacBook Pro 2016, I was able to 
launch Denemo by double-clicking, instead of launching via the Terminal, 
pasting this string: 
 Kind regards,Tony

    On Wednesday, May 10, 2017 8:48 AM, Richard Shann <> 

 On Wed, 2017-05-10 at 12:06 +0000, Tony Ventura wrote:
> I have to figure out what you mean by this when time permits

> >To get a clean start you need to remove a directory named
> >~/.denemo-xxx

That is to say a directory whose name starts ".denemo-" followed by a
version number. It is created in your home directory when you run a
version of Denemo for the first time. It holds your preferences, which
will be picked up when you try out a new binary from Jeremiah.
>From previous emails it would seem your home directory
is /Users/anthonyventura

if so

rm -rf /Users/anthonyventura/denemo-*

would remove all the old ones created by Denemo.

Please don't feel pressured to reply quickly!


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