On Thu, 2017-09-28 at 16:19 +0000, NagyMusic wrote:
> Thank you! Forgive me for asking again if this has been answered
> already. Is it possible to edit and modify the lilypond code (any
> line), such as the one I inquired about above, directly within Denemo?
> I opened the Lilypond window found in View => Lilypond, but couldn't
> figure out how to edit a line of code directly. That would be very
> helpful so I could continue using the newest Lilypond version despite
> code differences. I know I can do it when I click on a particular
> object in the score (e.g., barline), but how to go around the code
> that determines vertical spacing?

Yes, you can edit the LilyPond code and stay within Denemo. For Denemo
Directives that are within the music you can directly edit in the
LilyPond window (the text appears in bold typeface). For those
directives that are in the Score Layout (the bottom section in the
LilyPond window) you have two options:
     1. Use the Score Properties editor. Find the directive you want to
        edit (in this case the system-system-padding directive at the
        end, amongst the paper directives) and click on "Advanced", you
        will see the LilyPond text in either the "prefix" or "postfix"
        fields. Edit it there and Ok it.
     2. alternatively, using View->Score Layout choose to "Customize
        Layout" and then click "Convert to LilyPond text" and then the
        LilyPond view will be editable as desired. CAUTION: after doing
        that you are responsible for *all* the score layout - changing
        titles, instruments, let alone adding staffs - none of these
        will affect your customized layout. So this is only useful when
        the composition is complete and you want full control over how
        to lay out the music.

There is a third possibility, but that involves editing the script that
the command "System to System Padding" uses to have the new syntax and
saving that (you have to right-click on the menu item, choose Get Script
into Scheme Window), then, after editing the script to emit the new
syntax you right click on the command again and choose Save Script from
Scheme Window). However, this is strictly for those with good
programming skills as it is easy to mess up. But in that case you can
just invoke the command as usual and it will emit the new syntax.


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