Thanks very much! I was able to get the sound back in Denemo. It's all good
As far as MIDI editing goes, I set up Ardour to play back the exported
Denemo MIDI files. It worked fine for my last project.

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 3:48 AM Richard Shann <>

> On Fri, 2017-09-29 at 01:53 +0000, NagyMusic wrote:
> > Thanks! I did try changing the soundfont in Denemo's preferences
> > (Change Preferences => MIDI, etc.). However, after several attempts,
> > there's no sound coming out at all... Input and Output devices are set
> > to default. I know that one needs to set a path to the given
> > SoundFont; does one need to put a sf2 file in a particular Denemo
> > folder?
> No, the .sf2 file can be anywhere. It's possible to have no sound
> because of the soundfont (e.g if there is no instrument in the default
> bank and program number). To check what soundfont instruments Denemo is
> seeing go to Staff->Staff Properties->Built-in Staff Properties, MIDI
> tab and click on the MIDI Instrument pull down - you should see the
> names of the instruments in the soundfont.
> >  I fear that I messed something up here :-) ... because there used to
> > be sound playing before (a general piano sound), at least when
> > entering the notes.
> this is the more likely explanation for no sound:
>  Check that you get audio with other programs (e.g. VLC media player)
> when Denemo is *not* running.
>  Make sure no other audio generating programs are running and re-start
> Denemo.
>  Look in the preferences at the AUDIO tab, output device - it should
> list devices available - test them out, re-starting Denemo each time.
> If all else fails, hide the .denemo-2.1.? folder(*) in your home
> directory and make a clean start. If it works compare the new,
> default, .denemo-2.1.?/denemorc with the one you have hidden
> (*) it may have a slightly different name on Windows.
> >
> > The midi playback is one my last practices trials with Denemo to
> > determine whether I can embark on a more complex
> > composition/typesetting project.
> Be aware that Denemo's MIDI output is just for checking you have the
> right music entered, though it does do different instrument sounds and
> volume levels but it is quite primitive compared with LilyPond's MIDI
> output. There are no grace notes, no crescendi and no doubt lots of
> other refinements missing. (You can, on the other hand, insert extra
> MIDI messages into the music ...).
> Richard
> >
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