I've just pushed a new command to the Edit->Select menu that allows you
to apply things like ottava to passages of music at a single key
This is the manual entry for it:

Frequently passages in a score need marking in some way - they need to
be played up an octave, or they have a continuous trill sign above them
etc. This is called Spanning↓ and the indicators for where the passage
starts or ends is frequently marked by a pair of Denemo Directives or
other pair of objects. Examples are in the Directives->Markings-
>Spanning menu. Other examples are tuplets↓, and passages in a
different clef. Where a lot of passages need to be marked like this
there is command in the Edit->Select menu which allows you to select
passages to be spanned by a particular pair of objects at a single key
press. This command is labelled “Span Selection with Pair of Objects”
and it works by copying the pair to be inserted around selected
passages onto the clipboard when the command is first invoked and then
subsequent invocations place the spanning objects before/after the
passage you have selected. In this way you can work your way through a
score selecting passages to be altered and applying the alteration at
the touch of a key. 



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