Do you mean this notation:


On 05/09/2018 12:16 PM, Richard Shann wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-05-09 at 13:47 +1000, Brad Eberly wrote:
>> Dear Sirs:
>> I was looking over the manual for your music writing program. I am
>> quite interested although I had a question about it. I was wondering
>> if it is possible to set it up so that I can write music using shaped
>> notes as that is the primary form in which I would write music. Thank
>> you so much for your time!
> Denemo is only a "front end" to the music typesetter LilyPond, that is,
> it is just a program to allow you to enter music visualizing it as you
> go. So your question would have to sent to the LilyPond mailing list 
> asking is there is some LilyPond syntax available for creating shaped
> notes. It will help a lot if you include a small picture of what
> typeset shaped notes look like in print.
> If you can create what you want with LilyPond then Denemo could ease
> entering the music into the computer to generate that typesetting (i.e.
> it could "remember" the required LilyPond syntax for you, and save you
> typing so much).
> Richard

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