
I had used the drop down menus and not noticed that Shift-R, 1;Shift-R, 2 and Shift-R, 3 were the only ones that were 2 key commands! I have used them frequently, since a lot of the time I want Chord Symbols to appear, say, halfway through a bar.

I was editing a piece of music in 3/2 time and wanted the chord symbol on the last minim, so tried Shift-R, 0 and it didn't work. So assumed that it was something to do with the keyboard. And it wasn't. And I can create such a shortcut, and have.

And I obviously need something to disable/reassign the Windows key- it keeps being hit by accident in all sorts of applications.

Sorry for disturbing you!

Best wishes


On 27/11/2018 12:40, Richard Shann wrote:
On Sun, 2018-11-25 at 15:44 +0000, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
Hi Richard

I use a lot of these to position Chord changes in a Chord Staff. All
fine except......

In Windows 10 Shift-R followed by a number works in all cases except
0 =
4 crotchets.
Do you mean that when you press that key combination when hovering on
the InsertBlankWholeNote menu item (which is this command

Command: Insert a 𝄻 Spacer
Insert a non-printing 𝄻 rest
Location: Object Menu ▶ Notes/Rests ▶ Rest Insertion
Internal Name: InsertBlankWholeNote

or if you use the Add 1-Key Shortcut in the Command Center while that
command is selected, something strange happens? " = 4 crotchets" ???

  Neither 0
meaning the one on the top row and the one on the numeric keypad?
  works and switching num-lock off does not improve

Is this a known issue?
Well, not to me :) The nearest thing I have is a Windows Vista laptop -
it is not distinguishing between right and left shift keys, so it just
asks if I want to lose the current shortcut for ChangeTo0 (change the
note's duration to whole note)

  There are plenty of work-rounds. Shift-R followed
by 1 and then Shift-0 is OK.
then I suppose you would have to use Shift-R,1,1 for a minim?
  I just wondered.
What would be interesting would be to look at those key re-assignment
programs that are available for windows (someone I know uses one to
avoid the Ctrl key being so close to the Shift). If you never use the
"Windows" key (the one with a flag on it) for getting up the windows
menu then you could free it for use in Denemo.


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