On 3/13/19 9:36 AM, Richard Shann wrote:
> On Tue, 2019-03-12 at 21:30 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
>> On 3/12/19 10:00 AM, Richard Shann wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2019-03-11 at 20:54 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Edit > Paste Lilypond notes does not work for me. After answering
>>>> yes
>>>> to
>>>> the question "Paste from Selection",
>>> What is in the Denemo Display when you get this dialog? It should
>>> be
>>> showing a new, (*Untitled), tab containing just the notes that you
>>> have
>>> tried to paste from the system clipboard (not, of course, Denemo's
>>> own
>>> clipboard of Denemo Objects). (I expected it to show them already
>>> selected, but they appear un-selected, however, they do then get
>>> copied
>>> and pasted into the original tab if you respond with "Yes" to the
>>> dialog. Which means the wording of the dialog is bad :( ...)
>> Attached you find two screenshots of a simple test. The first shows
>> the
>> test file before I Paste Lilypond notes. The second one shows what it
>> looks like directly after invoking the command, and after selecting
>> yes
>> from the dialog it goes back to the first screenshot. The text in the
>> clipboard was "f2" (without the quotes).
> What is being output to the terminal? The first time I used it I got a
> lot of stuff from the Guile interpreter commenting on the compiling of
> the script into bytecode (I'm running Guile version 2) but subsequent
> use gives this output:
> 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>
> Using existing lexer file
> Using existing lexer file
> Using existing lexer file
> Using existing lexer file
> :::::::: Parser Start ::::::::::
> ((x_CHORD (x_NOTE ("d" . 0) "" "" "" "" "") . ""))
> :::::::: Parser Finished ::::::::::
> ============= Here is the final list =============
> ============= ====================== =============
>    (((x_SEQUENTIAL
>        (x_CHORD (x_NOTE ("d" . 0) "" "" "" "" "") . ""))))))
> ============= ====================== =============
> Now to execute the creation script
> 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>
> This is with "d" on the system clipboard.
> What do you have?

With "f4" on the clipboard, I get the following:

Lex error:
/usr/share/denemo/actions/notes.l:1:2: white space expected.

Lex error:
/usr/share/denemo/actions/quote.l:1:2: white space expected.

Lex error:
/usr/share/denemo/actions/block.l:1:2: white space expected.

Lex error:
/usr/share/denemo/actions/incl.l:1:2: white space expected.

;;; Stat of /home/andreas/.denemo-2.2.11/actions/notes.l.scm failed:
;;; ERROR: In procedure stat: No such file or directory:
Denemo - WARNING :
                   A script error for file/script (lyimport::load-file
"/home/andreas/.denemo-2.2.11/" "denemopaste.ly"); the throw arguments are

(open-file ~A: ~S (No such file or directory
/home/andreas/.denemo-2.2.11/actions/notes.l.scm) (2))
Denemo - WARNING :
                   The tag is


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With "d" on the clipboard, the result is the same.


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