On Thu, 2019-10-03 at 14:14 +0100, Richard Shann wrote:
> hi Joe & Andreas - thanks for the feed back.
> I think playing from a 7" screen is a young person's thing - I've
> noticed that I've been using larger font sizes in recent years...
> But I'm not sure what size I would be able to use happily.
> As I don't have any Android devices I have in mind using a Raspberry
> Pi
> - I already know it will build for that.

I've experimented with playing from a 7" screen and, as I guessed, it
is too small for me. I also tried out a 20" monitor oriented in
landscape, so that it was equivalent to a smaller sized monitor in
portrait. That worked fine but I came to the conclusion that I should
go for a two-page solution. The idea would be that while playing the
right hand page both pages slowly drift to the left so that the next
page is in view well before you need it.
This solution has no circumstance in which you have to make a sudden
switch to a new page without it being in view first: for repeats the
right-pedal press moves the left hand page back so that you can see the
repeat start while you are finishing the first time bar on the right
hand page. For the case where you have to skip forward (as in a
rondeau) you use the third pedal to move the right hand page forward to
the next verse (while you are finishing the rondeau on the left hand
page). This is different from the situation with real paper, where. for
example, a repeat start may be on the left hand page and there is
nothing you can do about it.

So I have bundled a program twopageturner in the tools section of
Denemo, and upgraded the annotation facilities: there a pre-programmed
buttons to insert several of the things you might wish to annotate onto
a score and the ability to choose the color, font, size of the
annotation and to drag it into position.
The proof-reading option in Denemo now supports the annotations
generated by this program rather than the earlier single-page version.


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