On Sat, 2019-11-30 at 18:53 +0000, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Again, I have probably missed something, but if I have a score with
> 6 
> parts and want to produce a pdf with the separate parts followed by
> the 
> full score, is this possible within denemo.

Within Denemo this is not trivial to script, because the PDF generation
is asynchronous, so when you loop over the staffs you end up with just
the last PDF. It is easy from outside Denemo - calling Denemo to create
each PDF you want. So you need a bash script or a Windows .bat file.

> Ideally, with the piece I am working on at present,  I'd want the
> score 
> smaller than the parts to make the conductors job easier - less page 
> turns - but give the players as full a page of dots as practical.

That at least is easy enough, especially if one of the two font sizes
you want happens to be the default. In that case you set the Print View
to create the full score at the size you want it and then go to the
Score Editor and look down the Denemo Directives for the Score Size one
- it's in the Paper Directives, called Overall Score Size. You click on
"Conditional" and make it "Only for xxxx layout" where xxx is the one
you have typeset, e.g. the Default Score Layout. Now it will be ignored
for other typesets (e.g. for the parts) which will use the default.

If you want another custom score size for the parts you click "Create
Duplicate" on the Overall Score Size directive. This creates a
duplicate which is tagged with a name you gave it on creation. You make
*that* directive conditional on the Default Score Layout and then
return to the Main window and execute Overall Score Size again giving
the size you want for the parts. In practice, that's all you would need
- the overall score size directive is earlier and so is eclipsed by
your conditional one when it is active.



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