On Sat, 2020-02-29 at 19:51 +0200, Lib Lists wrote:
> > > > The color of the keyboard shortcuts is hard wired,
> > > > unfortunately,
> > > > and I
> > > > see from your picture that it doesn't work well with themes
> > > > that
> > > > use a
> > > > dark background with light colored lettering. The menu
> > > > background
> > > > color
> > > > and the color of the labels in the menus is not hard-wired by
> > > > Denemo
> > > > however, so theming should work for them. I've not explored how
> > > > themes
> > > > can be chosen under Gtk though so I can't really go beyond
> > > > saying
> > > > it
> > > > should work :( Do other Gtk-based applications change
> > > > appropriately
> > > > on
> > > > that virtual machine?
> > > 
> > > Hi, just tested with Abiword
> > 
> > is that a Gtk based program (or Qt for example)?
> Yes it's a Gtk program.

and the background color of pop-up menus in Abiword changes when you
change theme but does not in Denemo?

> > 
> > > 
> > > > > [...]

> > > > >  Unfortunately then the menu from which 'Open Command
> > > > > Center'
> > > > > was invoked remains visible (Screenshot_3).
> > > > 
> > > > I tested this (on Debian) and the menu remains visible but can
> > > > be
> > > > dismissed by clicking off the menu (e.g. clicking on the
> > > > Command
> > > > Center
> > > > itself). Does that not happen with your version?
> > > 
> > > Yes, the same happens here.
> > 
> > ok, then that is the "normal" behavior - perhaps it could pop-down
> > the
> > menu when that option is chosen, it would need a bug filing against
> > it
> > if it is behavior that bothers you...
> Why not, it feels like an unnecessary click to pop the menu down
> every time.

I've looked at this: this is the general behavior, and I think I can
understand why: having navigated down several layers of menus to a menu
item it will often be not convenient for the menu to disappear without
consent as the user may want to choose another command from the same
menu or actually execute that command...


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