On Wed, 2020-10-21 at 22:44 +0100, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
> Hi Richard
> In the attached score at bar 54 and in the guitar part at bar 20
> grace notes are becoming detached from the following note AND a
> doubling of the double bar is produced.
> I don't understand why, needless to say.
> Best wishes
> Joe

This is LilyPond's notorious Issue 34, for which Denemo has automated a

Command: Install Grace Note Hints
Where a grace note occurs at a boundary the LilyPond typesetter
requires extra hints about positioning. This command installs them for
the whole movement. It is usually run in the Check Score routine.
Location: Object Menu ▶ Notes/Rests ▶ Grace Notes
Internal Name: InstallGraceNoteHints

I'm surprised you didn't hit this before - I have a hazy idea that the
workaround is automatically applied in some circumstance... oh :) yes,
it's in the Check Score routine :)


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