On Sun, 2021-01-24 at 09:05 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> When using both score titles and movement titles, I get strange
> effects
> with duplicated entries in the print. See e.g. attached test score
> with
> score titles and a movement title only in the second movement.

Yes, I see the same. I think you can't combine simple score titles with
simple movement titles - the simple score titles are for the case where
there is only one movement. For multi-movement scores you can use
movement title in the first movement for the overall title and then
movement subtitle for each movement's title. Attached is your example
modified like that.
I don't think this is explained anywhere, I just had to work it out
myself just now :(


Attachment: titletest.denemo
Description: application/wine-extension-denemo

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