
On Fri, 22 Oct 2021 at 18:20, Richard Shann <> wrote:
> On Fri, 2021-10-22 at 16:18 +0300, Lib Lists wrote:
> > Hi Richard,
> >
> > > > 2. (picture Denemo2.png)
> > > > I used the your code, the one with
> > > >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-display tag "This will label the
> > > > Denemo
> > > > Directive")
> > > >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-tx tag 20)
> > > >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-ty tag -20)
> > > > and as you can see from the picture it shows four 'Directive'
> > > > signs
> > > > (sorry I won't know yet how those are called in Denemo). Is this
> > > > the
> > > > expected behaviour?
> > >
> > > Sorry, yes I should have put (d-MoveCursorLeft) after the first
> > > command
> > > as it creates the Denemo Directive and moves to the right straight
> > > away, so that the subsequent commands create new directives instead
> > > of
> > > editing the old one. There is a wrapper function that does a whole
> > > bunch of this for you called (StandAloneDirectiveProto ...) which
> > > is
> > > used in the script for that InsertStandaloneDirective command I
> > > referenced above. But to keep things simple:
> > >
> > >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-display tag "This will label the Denemo
> > > Directive")
> > >  (d-MoveCursorLeft)
> > >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-tx tag 20)
> > >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-ty tag -20)
> > >
> > > would do the trick (the subsequent d-DirectivePut-... are editing
> > > so
> > > they don't move the cursor right, the cursor always moves right
> > > after
> > > inserting an object).
> >
> > I changed the code and I now get two Directive symbols (see attached
> > screenshot), is that correct?
> Sorry I was a bit too terse, here is your code commented
> > ;start analysis bracket
> > (let ((tag "Analysis"))
> >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-postfix tag "\\startGroup")
> this inserts a standalone Denemo Directive object before the cursor
> (assuming the cursor is not already on one with that tag) and moves the
> cursor right for the next insertion.
> >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-display tag "Start Analysis Bracket
> > DOWN")
> the cursor is on the note now so this inserts a *second* Denemo
> Directive which just displays the label, and moves the cursor right
> >  (d-MoveCursorLeft)
> this moves the cursor left so it is on that second Denemo Directive, so
> now it is ready to be edited
> >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-tx tag 20)
> this edits that second one, filling in the tx field, positioning your
> label displaced by 20 staff spaces leftwards, it doesn't move the
> cursor as it is editing not inserting.
> >  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-ty tag -20)
> likewise edits for the y position of the label
> >  (d-DirectivePut-layout-postfix
> > "Analysis" "  \\context {\\Voice  \\consists
> > \"Horizontal_bracket_engraver\" }"))
> this puts a Denemo Directive into the layout block of the movement (it
> doesn't matter where the cursor is as this is not a standalone
> directive). You can look in the Movement->Movement Properties Editor
> and see that this directive has appeared in the layout directives.
> So your code should have been:
> ;start analysis bracket
> (let ((tag "Analysis"))
>  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-postfix tag "\\startGroup")
>  (d-MoveCursorLeft)
>  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-display tag "Start Analysis Bracket DOWN")
>  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-tx tag 20)
>  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-ty tag -20)
>  (d-DirectivePut-layout-postfix
> "Analysis" "  \\context {\\Voice  \\consists
> \"Horizontal_bracket_engraver\" }"))
> where the move left into the editing position is one line earlier.
> But you probably don't want such a long label and you perhaps don't
> want to alter the default position of the label, so you could write
> ;start analysis bracket
> (let ((tag "Analysis"))
>  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-postfix tag "\\startGroup")
>  (d-MoveCursorLeft)
>  (d-DirectivePut-standalone-display tag "Analysis___")
>  (d-DirectivePut-layout-postfix
> "Analysis" "  \\context {\\Voice  \\consists
> \"Horizontal_bracket_engraver\" }"))
> where I've made the label shorter and omitted the tx and ty lines as
> they were just examples to play with, the default is usually ok.
> Richard

Awesome, thank you once again! Now it is fully clear.
A side question about scripts. Every time I modify a script (and I
assume I create one) and I save the denemo file, I get the warning
'You have a script defined, and the choice between Normal Save and
Advanced: Execute the script etc.
I always press Normal Save, but I'd like to understand what the other
option means and when it should be used.


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