On Mon, 2023-01-02 at 12:28 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
> On Sun, 2023-01-01 at 18:21 +0000, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
> > Hi Richard,
> > All the music systems are now in order. Thanks.
> > 
> > The Score I am transposing has some poetry associated with each 
> > movement, and I thought it might be good to include it on a page
> > between 
> > the Titles and the First Movement.
> I think the only thing Denemo provides is the ability to include
> title
> page(s) generated externally as an eps file. So you would create
> everything you wanted using an external editor and write it out as an
> eps file and then include it using:
> Command: Prepend Encapsulated Postscript
> Places text/graphics from an encapsulated postscript file at the
> start
> of the current movement.
> Use this for columns of text or images, fancy titles etc. prepared in
> other programs
> which are to appear before the music.
> Location: Object Menu ▶ Movements ▶ Titles
> Internal Name: PrependPostscript
> But I see that there is a command to place LilyPond markup after a
> movement so I've tweaked that to place the markup before the movement
> -
> this is in the sources now and will be built overnight:
> Command: Text Before Movement
> Places (formatted) text before the music of the current movement.
> Location: Object Menu ▶ Movements ▶ Titles
> Internal Name: MarkupAtStart
> If you use Score titles for the titles then the markup you give will
> come after them (but before any Movement titles you set).

Using this to get exactly what you want will be easier if you have read
up the LilyPond markup commands and have the patience to fiddle with
them. I've just come up with an example of placing some justified text
centered beneath the title - attached here. But until you have the
command installed you can't edit this easily...


> Richard
> > I tried Custom Titles, hoping to put the verses in the centre
> > column,
> > and have hit some snags.
> > 
> > 1 Once I have created a line, trying to edit it can only be done by
> > re-entering the data.
> > 2 There doesn't seem to be a way to delete a line, once entered.
> > 3 I need a way of putting several lines in one block - though the
> > text 
> > display shows four lines if i use SHIFT-ENTER it is all in a wide
> > single 
> > line on the page.
> > 
> > It isn't important: I can Start Again from the a file with just
> > music
> > and add Titles and forget the poetry.
> > But it would be nice. Even better if the lines could be edited from
> > the 
> > Typesetter screen😁
> > 
> > Best wishes and a Happy New Year.
> > 
> > Joe

Attachment: textBeforeMovement.denemo
Description: application/wine-extension-denemo

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