On Fri, 2023-03-24 at 10:12 +0100, Sandra Carral wrote:
> Dear Mr. Shann,
> thanks for your fast reply. I don't have any custom installation and
> do 
> not perform automatic backups either. Only the standard regular
> Ubuntu 
> updates. Maybe Ubuntu expects only certain file types in the Music 
> directory, and every so often automatically deletes anything that it 
> doesn't recognise.

This is highly unlikely. If Ubuntu were to automatically move files to
a different place I would be amazed, but deleting files, surely not.
Do you know how to locate .denemo files? The command

cd && find . -name '*.denemo'

issued in a terminal should list all the .denemo files you have.

>  I created a subdirectory and saved a score I wrote 
> yesterday there, and I will see if it's still there in a few weeks. I
> also uploaded it to my Google Drive, hopefully it will stay there.
> I have already lost so many scores, 

Is that to say that you noticed some files were missing, but others
still present, and later more files missing? That is, you have noticed
more than one deletion episode occur. And no other types of files have
vanished? As I say, there are no commands in Denemo which result in a
denemo file being deleted, you have to use the operating system to do

BTW please use "Group Reply" or "Reply to All" so that those searching
the mailing list archives can follow the thread. Although in this case
nothing like this has turned up in the 20 years I've been following the
Denemo mailing list, so it may be something unique to your set up :(

> I hope we can find the problem and 
> solve it.
> Kind regards,
> Dr. Sandra Carral.
> On 23/03/2023 15:11, Richard Shann wrote:
> > On Thu, 2023-03-23 at 11:00 +0100, Sandra Carral wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I write music using Denemo (in a linux box with Ubuntu mate)
> > > regularly.
> > > I save my .denemo files under /home/myaccount/Music. I've noticed
> > > that
> > > after a while all .denemo files disappear. For instance, I wrote
> > > a
> > > score
> > > in December 2022, and the same day I finished with the .denemo
> > > file,
> > > I
> > > exported the score on a .pdf file on the same directory. Today
> > > the
> > > .denemo file is gone, but the .pdf file is still there. Why are
> > > the
> > > .denemo files disappearing, and how can I prevent them from
> > > disappearing
> > > in the future?
> > Denemo does not have any code in it that would allow you to delete
> > a
> > score from disk once you have saved it to disk. Short of writing a
> > custom command in Scheme this shouldn't be possible.
> > So unless you have your own customised extensions to Denemo I think
> > you
> > need to look at things like cron jobs doing backups that might be
> > responsible. I have one for example that backs up .denemo files and
> > some option would probably make it possible to move rather than
> > copy
> > the files making them disappear from their original location. Do
> > you
> > have backups? Do you have custom commands/palette buttons etc?
> > 
> > HTH
> > 
> > Dr. Richard Shann
> > > Kind regards,
> > > 
> > > Dr. Sandra Carral.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 

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