Thank you very much for your help. One more question: how can I get the
current indent so that I can compare to the incipit length and increase
it if necessary? I'm trying the following after looking at Indent.scm,
but I always get #f

(let ((tag  "StaffIncipit") (current "") (incipitLength 10) (indent
"15.0") )
(set! current (d-GetUserInput (_ "Incipit") (_ "Give incipit for
current staff:") current))
(if (string? current)
  (d-DirectivePut-voice-prefix tag  (string-append "\\incipit { "
current " }"))
  (d-DirectivePut-layout-postfix tag (string-append "  incipit-width =
" (number->string incipitLength) "\n"))
  (set! indent (d-DirectiveGet-layout-data "Indent"))
  (disp (number? indent) (string? indent) indent)
  (if (and (string? indent) (string->number indent))
    (if (> incipitLength (string->number indent))
      (d-Indent incipitLength))))))


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