On Fri, 2024-05-31 at 17:23 -0400, Bric wrote:
> A couple of questions:
> 1) Can denemo play back to external midi devices?
The answer is an unequivocal "yes" - I know this because someone
inadvertently wired the MIDI out from Denemo via ALSA (I think it was)
to Denemo's MIDI in. The result was when starting playback, on playing
the first note, Denemo edited the score using that note (and stopped
the playback).
However, there will be others better placed to describe how this stuff
works so I'll hope someone chips in here ...
>   I can't find configuration for "MIDI output" (only input).  Where
> one could select a specific active midi device in the system
> 2) I discovered the View -> LilyPond option, and at first it seemed
> like one could use that view for editing lilypond directly...  THen I
> realized it was behaving weirdly, as in -- would let me insert
> lilypond code in some parts of the document, but not in others.  The
> new inserted code is then rendered in score renderer... but only
> temporarily, as my changes disappear after saving the current file in
> the standard window/editor.
> I wish one could edit lilypond directly, and have the edits stick. 
> (Or would that cause unresolvable violations of the editing logic?)

Editing in the LilyPond window *is* weird for the reason you guess,
it's probably not well explained
To explain better let me first give you an overview of the LilyPond
text in the LilyPond View.
At the start are various definitions and include statements in a
section headed %Prolog

Next is a section labelled %the music follows; this comprises a series
of LilyPond variable definitions, one for each staff/voice, like this

MvmntIVoiceI = { .... }

where the numbering of movement and staff/voice is in Roman numerals
(!!! due to a LilyPond limitation on variable names)

the { .... } contains the syntax for all the music on the staff.

Finally comes the tail of the text which starts with a button which is
labelled "Score Layout Options" when continuous typesetting is OFF,
else it is labelled "Temporary Score Layout".

This last section is what Denemo calls the Score Layout, it tells
LilyPond what to do with the Music in the section before - which staffs
to put it on etc. This section can be fully edited by clicking on the
"Score Layout Options" and choosing "Customize Score Layout". After
that it becomes editable text (and correspondingly all Denemo commands
to edit the titles, number of staffs etc, cease to work).

Within the music (e.g  MvmntIVoiceI = { .... } ) you can edit the text
that has been created by Denemo Directives - this is shown in *bold*

\textEndMark\markup \column {\line{\italic {au rondeau}}
} \break \bar

but you cannot edit the pale text which represents notes, ties, slurs
etc - "built-in" things that the Denemo Display "understands" and knows
how to display.
You can however, insert bits of LilyPond syntax between the notes:
as you move the cursor around with the arrow keys the Denemo cursor
will move in the Denemo Display. So you can insert LilyPond syntax by
right clicking and choosing "Insert LilyPond Text" - this is just like
choosing the command
Command: Insert Lilypond
Insert or edit a directive in the LilyPond music typesetting language.
This can be used for extra spacing, transposing or almost anything. See
LilyPond documentation for ideas.
Location: Object Menu ▶ Directives
Internal Name: InsertStandaloneDirective

You can also edit the bold text in the Prolog section - this is Denemo
Directives added using the Score Menu, but you cannot using the "Insert
LilyPond Text" in that section(*), you have to use the (confusingly
lablelled) command

Command: LilyPond Score Header
Inserts LilyPond syntax at the head of the output.
Location: Object Menu ▶ Score
Internal Name: ScoreHeader

to insert text there - once inserted you can edit it.

One final wrinkle -if you put the cursor *before* the start of some
bold text you cannot edit - it has to be "inside" the editable text.



> Currently using version 2.5.7 on linux.
> thanks

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