Hello Adam, 
I have never worked with GUMP. Should I correct the problem in the ANT
Buildfile or do you correct the output path in GUMP?



> To whom it may engage...
> This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For help
> understanding the request please visit
> and/or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Project depot-ruper has an issue affecting it's community integration.
> This issue affects 1 projects, and has been outstanding for 2 runs. The
> current state is 'Failed', for reason 'Missing Build Outputs'
> Full details are available at:
> http://lsd.student.utwente.nl/gump/depot/depot-ruper.html, however some
snippets follow:
> -  -  -  -  - -- -- ------------------------------------ G U M P
> Gump provided these annotations:
>  - Info - Sole jar
> [/data3/gump/depot/ruper/dist/apache-depot-ruper-20040220.jar] identifier
set to project name
>  - Info - Dependency on ant exists, no need to add for property ant.home.
>  - Error - Failed with reason missing build outputs
>  - Error - Missing Output:
> /data3/gump/depot/ruper/dist/apache-depot-ruper-20040220.jar
>  - Error - No such directory (where output is expected) :
> /data3/gump/depot/ruper/dist
> -  -  -  -  - -- -- ------------------------------------ G U M P
> Gump performed this work:
> Work Name: build_depot_depot-ruper (Type: Build)
> State: Success
> Elapsed: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 19 seconds
> Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true org.apache.tools.ant.Main
> -Dbuild.clonevm=true -Dgump.merge=/data3/gump/gump/work/merge.xml
> -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only -Dant.home=/data3/gump/ant/dist
-DDATE_STAMP=20040220 -f
> build.xml gump 
> [Working Directory: /data3/gump/depot/ruper]
> ---------------------------------------------
> init:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/classes/core
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/classes/ant
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/dist/jars
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/classes/test/core
> init_repository:
>       [get] Getting: http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/junit/jars/junit-3.8.jar
>       [get] ....................................
>       [get] last modified = Thu Aug 29 18:13:57 CEST 2002
>       [get] Getting:
>       [get] ............................................
>       [get] last modified = Fri Jan 30 01:46:38 CET 2004
>       [get] Getting:
> http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/regexp/jars/regexp-1.3.jar
>       [get] ...
>       [get] last modified = Mon Dec 22 14:00:12 CET 2003
>       [get] Getting:
> http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/commons-vfs/jars/commons-vfs-SNAPSHOT.jar
>       [get] ....................................................
>       [get] ..............
>       [get] last modified = Fri Jan 30 01:48:18 CET 2004
>       [get] Getting:
>       [get] .
>       [get] last modified = Fri Jan 30 01:47:48 CET 2004
>       [get] Getting: http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.5.3-1.jar
>       [get] ....................................................
>       [get] ....................................................
>       [get] ....................................................
>       [get] ....................................................
>       [get] ................................................
>       [get] last modified = Fri Jan 30 01:45:04 CET 2004
> compile:
>     [javac] Compiling 163 source files to
> /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/classes/core
> make_jar:
>       [jar] Building jar:
> /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/dist/jars/apache-depot-ruper-0.1.jar
> make_jar_tests:
>       [jar] Building jar:
> /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/dist/jars/apache-depot-ruper-tests-0.1.jar
> build_core:
> make_jar_dist:
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/dist/jars
>      [copy] Copying
> /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/dist/jars/apache-depot-ruper-0.1.jar to
> /data3/gump/depot/ruper/target/dist/jars/apache-depot-ruper-20040220.jar
> gump:
> Total time: 18 seconds
> ---------------------------------------------
> To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
> RSS: http://lsd.student.utwente.nl/gump/depot/depot-ruper.rss | Atom:
> http://lsd.student.utwente.nl/gump/depot/depot-ruper.atom
> --
> Gump http://jakarta.apache.org/gump
> [lsd]

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