Adam Jack wrote:

To whom it may engage...


Caused by: /data3/gump/ant/dist/tools/antlet/junit-0.1/xbuild.xml:24: *******************************************************************************
* A required jar was downloaded to /data3/gump/ant/dist/lib
* Please restart the build procedure.
* junit-3.8.1.jar was downloaded to /data3/gump/ant/dist/lib

Sorry about this.
The junit.antlet from antworks was a little over aggressive and forced the download the junit jar.
I have fixed that antlet to only download the jar if the junit.framework.TestCase is not found.
To download it to ${user.home}/.ant/lib not ${ant.home}/lib And finally to only download and fail for a restart when junit is actually called.

Can someone please delete


for me.


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