How about ...

   | secure, operational, trusted artifact and classloader      |
   | management                                                 |
   | version management                                         |
   | get/put to repository with support for validation of       |
   | repository content, policies concerning trust and level of |
   | confidence (e.g.  I trust Apache, I don't trust SF) - also |
   | at this level is the repository implementation strategy -  |
   | e.g. file system, LDAP store, etc. created using           |
   | classloader meta data                                      |
   | meta data model for staged classloader definitions,        |
   | criteria and defaults management                           |
   | get/put to cache with group/name/blob-version semantics,   |
   | security on transmission, integrity checking,              |
   | and reliability of service                                 |

... and the starting point is the bottom layer.


Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Depot should be a layered system to be scalable, both code and community wise.

Here is how it's thought at the moment:

 |   update     |
 |   version    |

This is how it could evolve:

 | classloading |
 |   update     |
 |   version    |

There are also other utilities thought of ATM, like license checker and installer, but thery are still in the air.


| Magic by Merlin                       |
| Production by Avalon                  |
|                                       |
|              |

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