
>I'll give it a go if the source is in SVN but 
> can't promise anything - I've not used SVN (other than to play with) 
> before.  BTW, *where* is the source?
to access SVN and especially the repository of depot in SVN try the
following URL:
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/depot/. There you'll find "tags"
and "trunks". trunks contains the main layers of depot right now, the tags
are just (like the name indicates) old versions of the same stuff. Like
already stated there is more then just Updater to Depot. There is also
Version and a Common layer, which is used in all other layers :-)
SVN is pretty cool, except that there are no real Clients for IDEs available
right now, but hopefully this will change soon. As a client I would
recommend rapidSVN, which is a cross-platform tool and pretty nice. But
since you are using IDEA, you could be lucky and use svnUp?
I am not really sure, if you could just use svn with the same password as
you are using with cvs, so you just have to try. 



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