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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Jack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Depot Development" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 6:26 AM
Subject: Depot

> Folks
> Sorry I've been offline a while, I've had other priorities to take care
> I will be sad to let Depot go, but I suspect it is time. I am starting to
> believe that without a lot more community drive (or just outright
> stubbornness to continue) that something like a version/repository idea is
> too much to pull off. Further, I suspect that Javasoft ought be handling
> not other groups. Also, I do suspect we tried to do too much (and yes, I
> probably was over enthusiastic and helped over engineer some parts) so
> couldn't keep up with it. That, and (for me) the transition into
> caused too much environment awkwardness, and I lost momentum.
> Whatever the case, long and the short is that we didn't seem to build on a
> simple use case, we didn't use it first and code it second. Basically it
> stagnated underneath us. I don't think I'll ever quite understand why, but
> despite technical merits (IMHO) something just didn't spark others. Maybe
> marketing, maybe star alignment, definitely community.
> That all said, I really really struggle with this. So much effort, so much
> good stuff, so close. Gak! I hate letting go.
> regards,
> Adam

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