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Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
| Derby is being sponsored by the Apache DB project and the Derby status
| page states 'The Apache DB project will own the Derby subproject, and
| the subproject will follow the Apache DB PMC's direction'. I assume the
| 'will own' means if Derby graduates from incubation.
| (http://incubator.apache.org/projects/derby.html)
| I propose a consensus approval vote that the Derby development model
| follows the guidelines defined by the Apache DB project. This will set
| the initial rules for development, changes to the model could
| subsequently be called for and voted on using the Derby developer
| mailing list.
| The guidelines are defined at http://db.apache.org/guidelines.html
| There is one difference that the Derby code is in SVN and not CVS.
| Note the decision making page at http://db.apache.org/decisions.html
| and the Changes section on this page http://db.apache.org/source.html.
| The Changes section indicates the commit model is:
| (quote)
| Simple patches to fix bugs can be committed then reviewed. With a
| commit-then-review process, the Committer is trusted to have a high
| degree of confidence in the change.
| Doubtful changes, new features, and large scale overhauls need to be
| discussed before committing them into the repository. Any change that
| affects the semantics of an existing API function, the size of the
| program, configuration data formats, or other major areas must receive
| consensus approval before being committed.
| (end-quote)
| Dan.

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