On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 21:10:12 +0530, Shreyas Kaushik
> Hi Mamta,
> One clarifiacation here. Do I have to add it in two places?
> Some pointers here will help.
> Also the jdbcapi tests don't run when I run the derbyall suite?
> ~ Shreyas

Hi Shreyas,

If you look at org.apache.derbyTesting.suites.derbyall.properties, you
will see that jdbcapi is included in the list of suites that get run
when derbyall is issued. So, running derbyall will run all the suites
listed in derbyall.properties which at this point are
suites=derbylang derbynetmats storeall xa derbytools jdbc20 jdk14
jdbcapi encryptionAll nist demo multi unit i18nTest

Also, derbynetmats is part of the suites run by derbyall. And
derbynetmats.properties has jdbcapi as of the suites that it runs.
Hence, adding your test to jdbcapi will make sure that the test gets
run in embedded mode (as part of top level derbyall suite) and it will
get run in network server mode (as part of derbynetmats suite).

The way we establish that a suite is running in Network Server mode is
by checking if it has framework properties set. For instance,
derbynetmats has framework=DerbyNet and hence we know that the suite
will be run in Network Server mode.

Hope this helps,

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