Jeremy Boynes wrote:

Last couple of times I have run this suite I am getting reports like the one attached that show no tests passed and no tests failed. If I look at the individual tests they all passed.

Generating report for RunSuite derbynetclientmats null null DerbyNetClient true ------------------ Java Information ------------------
Java Version: 1.4.2_07
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java home: C:\Java\JDK142\jre
Java classpath: C:\apache\derby\code\trunk\jars\insane\derby.jar;C:\apache\derby\code\trunk\jars\insane\derbyclient.jar;C:\apache\derby\code\trunk\jars\insane\derbyTesting.jar;C:\apache\derby\code\trunk\jars\insane\derbynet.jar;C:\apache\derby\code\trunk\jars\insane\derbytools.jar

maybe because you are missing the jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar in your classpath .. ?


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