
Did you do a build again after copying the .out file to the master directory?


On 5/6/05, Øystein Grøvlen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "DVC" == David Van Couvering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    DVC> I'm stil learning  this harness, but I am pretty sure  you can run any
>    DVC> program with a main() that you want from within the test harness, just
>    DVC> by adding  the .java file  to functionTests/tests. I don't  think the
>    DVC> harness   has   any  restrctions   on   this   main()  program   being
>    DVC> multi-threaded or single-threaded.
> I guess I must have misunderstood something. I thought that I had read
> on this mailing list that the ordinary testing framework did not
> support multithreaded tests.
> Anyway, I have now transformed my program into a test.  However, when
> I run it using RunTest, I get "No master file was found" even after I
> copied the .out file to the master directory.  Do I have to set some
> property in order for the test to find the master file?  I was not
> able to find anything about this in the testing README file.
> --
> Øystein

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