FYI, your suggestion worked great on XP, but on Linux I got a strange error in tests that spawn another JVM:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: "-Dderby/system/durability=test"

I am working on tracking this down, but meanwhile I'm modifying


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up
testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?

To enable this mode for derbyall suite. put the following property in java\testing\org\apache\derbyTesting\functionTests\suites\


I think this will work as an alternative, and means you don't have to
modify any files

java -Dderby.system.durability=test
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunSuite derbyall

The -Dderby.system.durability to the java command ensures the property will be set for any tests run in-process, e.g. nist

The setting in the jvmflags ensures it is passed on to the JVM's spawned
to run most tests.


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