i have not had the bandwidth to follow this thread due to J1 and a few other fire drills.  We have made changes to the spec and javadocs in JDBC 4 to clarify things in these areas.  Please take a look and see if there is still something you feel needs clarified.

Kathey Marsden wrote:
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

I think you dropped the footnotes that you had in the pdf document.
The note that talked about JDBC 3.0 spec did not mention output
parameters for auto commit on callable statements.

I would challenge that the text from JDBC 3.0 spec, section 10.1 is the
definitive behaviour, not the javadoc of setAutoCommit.


So  does that make that a bug in the setAutoCommit javadoc?  Lance do
you have an opinon here?


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