Thanks for the tips Dan. Attached to this list is a text file outlining some of the more important points of this patch. Also in case an executive summary would be useful to anyone there are a few of main points that I tried to address with this patch (in order of importance):

- Remove the call to closeX() in the nextX() method: This is probably the reason SQuirreL isn't working (See derby and squirrel sql JDBC client in the derby-user mailing list). - Change the auto-commit criteria: We only want to auto-commit if there are no other open ResultSets associated with the Statement for which the current ResultSet is attached to. For example we only wish to auto-commit ResultSet SA sttached to statement S only if ResultSets SB and SC are already closed. - Properly marking auto-committed ResultSets: I created a markAutoCommitted() method in Connection which will mark *all* open ResultSets as auto-committed post auto-commit.

In terms of resolution, regrettably we have not. I acknowledge that my work on this patch is tentative and subject to change. However, hopefully my work here should make the final patch easier when we have achieved the resolution we are after.

In regards to your last challenge, I am inclined to agree with your position. If we consistently follow the specs over the javadocs that is one less point for confusion. However as Kathey points out, this may mean that there are "bugs" in the javadocs. If we adopt this philosophy then we can simplify the advanced cases I specified in my auto-commit document. One item I would really like to see in the JDBC 4.0 spec is changing this item found in section 9.1 (in relation to closing ResultSets): "if the cursor is forward only, then when invocation of its next method returns false"
to this
"if the cursor is forward only, then when invocation of its next method returns false. Further calls to next method on this ResultSet will throw an Exception." if this is what is truly meant. If this is the case then Embedded is not functioning to spec and Client (at least in part) is doing what it is suppose to (from this it follows that SQuirreL is also not following the spec). If not, the reverse is true.

Let me know if anything I said here required clarification.


Dan Debrunner wrote:

Philip Wilder wrote:

I've attached an "alpha" patch for the DERBY-213 for anyone who is
interested in the DERBY-213 issue. It should be noted that the patch is
contingent upon our current interpretation of the JDBC

Did we come to a resolution on your document? You asked for challenges
and I challenged, but I didn't see any follow up.

With a patch like this it is very useful to give an overview of what you
are changing, the committers (or any other reviewers) are not
mind-readers and it's hard to tell if you are fixing everything to match
what is in your current interpretation or just making progress in that
direction. Partial fixes are good progress, but it's useful when
reviewing them to understand that the patch is only intended to address
some of the issues. There have been threads on what makes a patch really
useful and likely to be committed quickly, I guess these tips haven't
made it to the web-site yet. :-(


- Change 
public void flowAutoCommit
public boolean flowAutoCommit

In my Statement.resultSetCommitting() method I only wish to to mark the 
ResultSets as autoComitted if they Commit occurred properly. The boolean return 
value allows me to establish this.

- Add
public void markAutoComitted()

Whenever an auto-commit is done all ResultSets associated with this Connection 
are auto-committed. This method will mark all ResultSets as associated with 
this connection as auto-committed.


- Change
Criteria for what requires an auto-commit 

pre patch in the case of multiple ResultSets a commit was required if any of 
the ResultSets were not auto-committed. The isAutoCommitRequired() method 
checks to see if the last ResultSet being closed requires an auto-commit and 
that there are no other open ResultSets associated with this statement.

- Change
Allow the flowCloseRetrievedResultSets method to invoke an auto-commit when 
(read|write)CloseResultSets(numberOfResultSetsToClose, false) 
(read|write)CloseResultSets(numberOfResultSetsToClose, true)

public void resultSetCommitting()

Method to auto-commit the connection

public void markAutoCommitted() 

Method to mark all associated ResultSets as committed


Method to check to see if a commit is required as per the new auto-commit 


Reference to closeX() in the ResultSet

We'll let auto-commit handle the closing in this instance.

Many of the "ifAutoCommitted" method names were changed to enhance clarity.

Checks to see if an auto-commit is needed now use the 

void flowAutoCommitIfNotAutoCommitted()

It has been replaced with
if (isAutoCommitRequired())

If may make sense to put this method back and change its contents as the above 
methods are almost always called one after the other.

-removed flowAutoCommitIfLastOpenResultSetWasJustClosed
replaced with 
if (isAutoCommitRequired())

public boolean isAutoCommitted()

For debug purposes

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