When I try to execute the case where multiple inserts are done as in the following

ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:mydb;create=true';
ij> create table table1(name char(20));
create executed
ij> create table table2(name char(20));
create executed
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table1 values('narayanan');
1 insert done
ij> insert into table2 select * from table1;
12 inserts executed

In this case it seems to give the correct output. This does not give the wrong output. Can you pls tell me if I am missing something. Is there something wrong with the way I have run the tests that might give rise to the false output earlier. Pls pardon me if my question is too basic.


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