Sorry if this looks something like a chain letter but the dev community should have all the information I do.

--- Begin Message ---

I thought you might be interested in the following, as a follow-up from your 'EG meeting feedback' e-mail.
Thanks for that write up; I haven't had time yet to study it, but I will do so.

Christopher Farrar
Sr. Software Engineer IBM
Phone # (408) 463-2205
----- Forwarded by Christopher M Farrar/Santa Teresa/IBM on 07/28/2005 10:48 AM -----

          Christopher M Farrar

          07/27/2005 03:01 PM

From: Christopher M Farrar/Santa Teresa/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Are Implicitly closed ResultSets actually Closed??

This question came up in a 7/13 e-mail, subject: [Fwd: Re: JDBC auto-commit semantics challenge]

Several vendors reported in today's telecon that to their drivers a ResultSet that wasn't explicitly closed acted differently than one that was implicitly closed. For example, after the method had returned a value of false (hence, implicitly closed), continued invocations of continue to return a value of false. Or, in some cases, after the method had returned false, ResultSetMetaData was still available.

For IBM, with what I would call our primary JDBC Driver (the only one I tested with), a result set is (for all intents and purposes) closed after its next() has returned false. BOTH subsequent and ResultSet.getMetaData() throw an SQLException.

I would also let you know what the result of asking the ResultSet if it isClosed(), but I can't answer that because that method was added in the 6.0 version, or, no, the 1.6 version, or no ??? (Sorry, couldn't resist that dig.)

Sorry to be different, but this is how we read the spec.... there wasn't any difference (to us) regarding whether the close was implicit or explicit.
I can not say, at the current time, how willing we would be to change our behavior.
But I am interested in knowing how many other vendors think implicit vs. explicit matters.

Christopher Farrar
Sr. Software Engineer IBM
Phone # (408) 463-2205
--- End Message ---

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