I don't think it is  so good to have  references to internal classes
(e.g org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSet) in the functional tests.
Is there a  way within the public API to test if autocommit has
occurred, maybe the current XID from the lock table VTI would help.
Initial investigations don't yield anything useful from the LockTable. It would seem that for the client ResultSet a lock, identical in all ways except for the final digit in the XID, is held both before and after the auto commit. This differs from the embedded behavior where attempting to access the lock table tells me that there are never any locks held for my tests. I'll continue investigating but if someone can prove me wrong and show how the lock table can be useful in this regard or offer me an alternate solution I'd be most appreciative.

Sorry Kathey, I'm being dim. XIDs have the potential to work they just require a little more creativity then my previous solution. Testing seems to indicate that XIDs aren't held over a commit. Ergo if I compare the XID before the commit with any XIDs after the commit and have a match I have criteria for failing the test.


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