I am still learning, so forgive me if I missed something, but I carefully read the guidelines of our project:


"Changes to the products of the Project, including code and documentation, will appear as action items in the status file. All product changes to the currently active repository are subject to lazy consensus."


"An action requiring consensus approval must receive at least 3 binding +1 votes and no binding vetos. An action requiring majority approval must receive at least 3 binding +1 votes and more +1 votes than -1 votes. ==My emphasis== All other action items are considered to have lazy approval until somebody votes -1, after which point they are decided by either consensus or majority vote, depending on the type of action item.== end emphasis =="

Given that this is a change to the products of the Product, and nobody has voted -1, then I thought this meant lazy approval. Lazy approval is further described in the Apache Way:


"When coordination is required, decisions are taken with a lazy consensus approach: a few positive votes with no negative vote is enough to get going."

My understanding is that binding votes are only relevant when someone votes -1...



Kathey Marsden wrote:
David W. Van Couvering wrote:

Hi, all.  I wanted to let you know I plan to close the polls on this
vote Friday midnight USA Pacific Time.

I haven't actually seen any binding votes on this proposal yet. But may
have missed them.

fn:David W Van Couvering
n:Van Couvering;David W
org:Sun Microsystems, Inc.;Database Technology Group
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Staff Software Engineer

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