
On 9/5/2015 8:02 AM, Richard Hillegas wrote:
Please vote on the following proposed policy for supported platforms. The polls close at 5:00 pm San Francisco time on Saturday September 12.

A) The 10.12 release notes will tell users that 10.12 is the last release which supports Java 7. Note that we have already agreed to sunset support for Java 6.

B) The 10.13 release will support Java 9 and 8 as well as Java 8 compact profile 2. After releasing 10.12, the development trunk will no longer support Java 7.

C) We expect that maintenance releases on a branch will continue to support the same Java versions as the initial feature release cut from that branch. We will document this on the wiki.

Adopting this policy would result in the following changes to the 10.13 trunk:

I) Removing build support for Java 7.

II) Purging user doc references to Java 7.

We do not anticipate that this policy will require any changes to user code.


email:    Mike Matrigali - mikema...@gmail.com
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/MikeMatrigali

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