I've updated the Derby-trunk job in Jenkins to use JDK 8 after support
for 6 and 7 was removed in

Now it seems to build, but the jardriftcheck target fails:

Apache Jenkins Server  <jenk...@builds.apache.org> writes:

> jardriftcheck:
>      [java] ERROR: class org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.DRDAConstants.class 
> in
>      [java]        derby.jar was not previously there.
>      [java] 
>      [java] ERROR: class org.apache.derbyPreBuild.ReleaseProperties.class in
>      [java]        derby.jar was not previously there.
>      [java] 
>      [java] ERROR: class 
> org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityState.class in
>      [java]        derby.jar was not previously there.
>      [java] 
>      [java] ERROR: class org.apache.derbyPreBuild.ReleaseProperties.class in
>      [java]        derbyclient.jar was not previously there.
>      [java] 
>      [java] ERROR: class 
> org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityState.class in
>      [java]        derbyclient.jar was not previously there.
>      [java] 
>      [java] ERROR: class 
> org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityState.class in
>      [java]        derbynet.jar was not previously there.
>      [java] 
>      [java] ERROR: class org.apache.derbyPreBuild.ReleaseProperties.class in
>      [java]        derbytools.jar was not previously there.
>      [java] 
>      [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: 
>      [java] jar drift check failed; see DERBY-6471 for info. 
>      [java] See error in build output or call ant jardriftcheck. 
>      [java] If the new class is expected run ant refreshjardriftcheck.
>      [java] NB: Run the refresh for both sane and insane builds. 
>      [java]     Use the highest supported JVM (currently Java 8) 
>      [java]      to ensure all classes are built.
>      [java] 
>      [java]   at 
> org.apache.derbyBuild.JarDriftTest.main(JarDriftTest.java:103)
> <https://builds.apache.org/job/Derby-trunk/ws/trunk/build.xml>:622: Java 
> returned: 1
> Total time: 1 minute 11 seconds
> Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
> [WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
> Archiving artifacts
> Compressed 143.31 MB of artifacts by 100.0% relative to #2423

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