Thanks for the update Rick!


On 19/04/2016 04:29, Rick Hillegas wrote:
On 4/15/16 1:24 AM, Rory O'Donnell wrote:

Hi Rick,

Early Access b113 <> for JDK 9 is available on, summary of changes are listed here <>.

Early Access b113 <> (#4664) for JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw is available on

  * The important change in this build is that root modules when
    compiling code in the unnamed module, or when running and the
    main class is loaded from the class path, do not include the EE
    modules. More on this in JEP 261.
  * The other change in this build is that the -Xpatch option is now
    aligned with what we have documented in JEP 261, support for the
    old form has been removed.

We are very interested in hearing your experiences in testing any Early Access builds. Have you have begun testing against JDK 9 and or JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw EA builds, have you uncovered showstopper issues that you would like to discuss? We would really like to hear your findings so far, either reply to me or via the mailing lists [1], [2].



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland
Hi Rory,

I have taken both JDK's for a spin. With both JDKs, a JDK9-ready version of Derby builds and tests cleanly as discussed in the trailing comments here:

Note that this version of Derby does not exercise any new features (including jigsaw) which are introduced by these JDKs.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

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