+1 from me too, from the documentation perspective. I have looked over the documentation (user manuals and javadoc) and the release notes, and they look fine.


On 10/2/2017 9:36 AM, Bryan Pendleton wrote:

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 5:42 AM, Rick Hillegas <rick.hille...@gmail.com <mailto:rick.hille...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Please test-drive the candidate, then vote on whether to
    accept it as a Derby release.


I have successfully used the release candidate with Java 8 on Windows 10, Fedora 26, and Ubuntu 16.04 without any problems. I checked all the signatures and checksums, worked with the documentation, checked a number of bug fixes of interest to me, and ran the embedded scripts. I found no problems.



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