I have finished my testing of I knocked off a number of checklist items (see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DERBY/TenFifteenTwoChecklist) and I ran the test suites on several platforms (see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DERBY/DerbyFifteenTwoPlatformTesting). I encountered one minor issue: the copyright date in the docs branch of the source distro is still set at 2018. I don't think that this warrants a new release candidate: the copyright date in the generated docs is correct and anyone can build docs with the correct date simply by overriding the copyright year as the release scripts do.

I think that is an improvement over


On 2/4/20 6:51 PM, Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please test-drive the candidate, then vote on whether to accept it as a Derby release. The candidate lives at:


The polls close at 5:00 pm California time on Tuesday February 18. is a maintenance release, described in greater detail here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DERBY/DerbyTenFifteenTwoRelease

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


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